Regeneration of Place Identity in Urban Space (Case study: Baharestan Square in Iran)

Regeneration of Place Identity in Urban Space (Case study: Baharestan Square in Iran)

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Author(s): Bahareh Heydari

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1015 537 895 59-68 Volume 5 - May 2016


The physical structure of the Iranian cities has been changed in Islamic era. Square and street are two important spatial elements of Islamic cities. Square, has been religious (e.g., Mosques) and economical (e.g., the markets) roles. Also, it has been as a common place around which governmental buildings were constructed, gained momentum. Thus, Squares are memorized place for residents. This research has been studied Baharestan square in Iran as historical urban space. The aim of this paper is, achieving to identity in value urban spaces. This research is applied and the research method is "descriptive-analytical". In order to data collected was used questionnaire tool. So, in order to analyzing data was used SPSS software and SWOT technique.


Regeneration, place identity, Baharestan square


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