Embolization in Patient with Renal Cell Carcinoma Submitted to Transplantectomy

Embolization in Patient with Renal Cell Carcinoma Submitted to Transplantectomy

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Author(s): Laísa Ferraz de Arruda, Pedro Francisco F. Arruda, Natal Santos da Silva

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1115 435 743 50-53 Volume 5 - Jul 2016


Renal cell carcinoma is a rare condition in transplanted kidneys. We report a case of patient with tumor in kidney graft 17 years after transplant that was submitted to embolization with subsequent transplantectomy. Magnetic resonance imaging showed a 1-cm nodule in the renal allograft. Treatment included transplantectomy preceded by embolization of the renal artery. In this case, intra-arterial embolization preoperatively facilitated organ removal.


Transplant, Tumor, Surgical treatment, endovascular procedure


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