Scale Effects of Physical Modelling of Anaerobic Treatment Plants in the Treatment of Cassava Wastewater

Scale Effects of Physical Modelling of Anaerobic Treatment Plants in the Treatment of Cassava Wastewater

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Author(s): E. Onukwugha, Okoro Boniface C., J.C. Agunwamba, A.O. Ibeje

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1127 354 697 23-35 Volume 5 - Nov 2016


Three Anaerobic Baffled Reactors (ABRs) are used to evaluate the extent of scale effects of cyanide inhibition of cassava wastewater treatment. The reactors (physical models) have aspect ratios of (53:16:30; 4:1:1; 10:3:6).


Anaerobic, Treatment, Cassava Wastewater, Monod model and Kincannon model


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