Addition of Exogenous α-Synuclein Oligomer up-regulates Divalent Metal Transporter-1 and Ferroportin-1 in BV2 Glial Cell Lines

Addition of Exogenous α-Synuclein Oligomer up-regulates Divalent Metal Transporter-1 and Ferroportin-1 in BV2 Glial Cell Lines

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Author(s): Chengkui Shi, Xinxing Du

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1147 310 847 54-60 Volume 5 - Nov 2016


It has been confirmed that α-synuclein (α-syn) aggregation in neurons or glia and formation of Lewybodies is the remarked pathognomonic hallmark of PD. Neuropathology study have found α-Syn in abnormal aggregation often accompany with iron deposits. At present ,a lot of research confirmed that divalent metal transporter 1(DMT1), is up-regulated and ferroportin-1 is downregulated in the SN of PD and accumulate of iron in this region.Therefore understanding exogenous α-Syn oligomer whether arise this phenomenon in BV2 glial cell lines is necessary.


Microglia cell, α-Synuclein oligomer, Iron, Membrance Transport Proteins


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