Author(s): I. C. Adene, Adedeji O.A, Bakry H.O
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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1292
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Volume 6 - Aug 2017
Intraspecific hybridization work was carried out on Clarias anguilaris and exotic hollandis Clarias gariepinus with the aim of determining the combination with the best hatchability, survival, and growth performance. The highest percentage hatchability (52.94%) was recorded for the parental exotic Clarias gariepinus while the least (43.99%) was recorded for the parental Clarias anguilaris, 51.80% hatchability was recorded for female Clarias anguilaris x male exotic Clarias gariepinus and 50.68% hatchability for female exotic Clarias gariepinus x male Clarias anguilaris respectively. The highest percentage survival of 74.5% was recorded for parental Clarias anguilaris and the least percentage survival of 38% was recorded for parental exotic Clarias gariepinus. The highest growth performance of 1.77g was observed in pure exotic hollandis C .gariepinus fry, followed by the hybrid cross of female exotic Clarias gariepinus x male Clarias anguilaris(1.60g), then the hybrid cross of male exotic Clarias gariepinus x female Clarias anguilaris (1.53g) and the least was 1.43g for pure Clarias angularis fry. The highest length increase of 0.89cm was observed in the fry of pure exotic hollandis Clarias gariepinus and the least is 0.53cm for pure Clarias angularis fry. Therefore the result of this research work shows that the hybrid of Male exotic holladis Clarias gariepinus x Female Clarias anguilaris is better for culture since the percentage survival, hatchability and length increase is higher than that of Female exotic Clarias gariepinus x Male Clarias anguilaris. Although there was no significant difference in their growth performance.
Intraspecific, Hybridization, Clarias, Exotic, Hatchability, Survival, Growth
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