An Analysis on the Distribution of Maquis-Shrubland: Karabuk-Safranbolu Basin (Turkey)

An Analysis on the Distribution of Maquis-Shrubland: Karabuk-Safranbolu Basin (Turkey)

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Author(s): Mücahit Coşkun, Sevda Coşkun

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1336 200 519 63-70 Volume 6 - Jun 2017


Karabük-Safranbolu basin is located in the Western Black Sea Region in the northwest of Turkey. The basin lies within 100 km from the coastline and is an important area, as it hosts Euro-Siberian and Mediterranean plants species. The focus of the study is maquis formation. Occupying a large place on the earth, Maquis communities are commonly distributed over the regions where the Mediterranean climate prevails. These regions are the Mediterranean Region, California, Chile, the Cape and Australia. Distribution of the Mediterranean plant species in the Euro-Siberian phytogeographic region, and vice versa, is related to climate changes and plant migration in the past. Karabük-Safranbolu basin sets a model for such distribution. The study aims to determine the maquis shrubland formation within the Karabük-Safranbolu basin and examine the vertical-lateral distribution patterns. The methodology is based on a regional approach. ArcGIS 10.3 was used for preparing cartographic materials. Within the scope of the study, certain maps of the region such as topographical, physical, slope, aspect, soil, geological, geomorphological and forest management maps were examined as the materials of the study as well as using some meteorological data. The elements of maquis shrubland in the region were detected through field surveys and their distribution patterns were addressed.


Maquis Shrubland, Maquis Formation, Maquis Distribution, Karabük-Safranbolu Basin, Turkey


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