Developing the Indicators for Monitoring the Adaptation Actions for Quang Ngai Province, Viet Nam using the Delphi Technique

Developing the Indicators for Monitoring the Adaptation Actions for Quang Ngai Province, Viet Nam using the Delphi Technique

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Author(s): Chu Thi Thanh Huong, Huynh Thi Lan Huong, Tran Thuc

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1341 178 647 80-86 Volume 6 - Jun 2017


The Paris Agreement requests to establish the transparency framework to clarify, and track the progress towards achieving Parties’ National Determined Contributions and Parties’ adaptation actions. Monitoring Reporting and Verification (MRV) for adaptation aims to enhance the transparency, and to check progress and the effectiveness of the adaptation actions. Developing the indicators for monitoring the adaptation actions contributes to the development of the adaptation MRV system. This paper focuses on the process of establishing the indicators to monitor adaptation action in forestry sector, Quang Ngai Province, Viet Nam. After two rounds of the Delphi technique are applied, the indicators are then grouped into 3 clusters based on the Result Based Management tool (Adaptation Capacity, Adaptation Actions, and Sustained Development in climate change) to identify the effectiveness of adaptation action. Our study found that 8 out of 10 indicators were ranked in the 4-5 range (likely relevant to highly relevant), which means they should be applied in Quang Ngai province. As indicated by the experts, 02 indicators (Salinity, and Percentage of saltwater intrusion areas) were not appropriate due to the unclear effectiveness of adaptation action. The set of indicators could be used to monitor the progress of project implementation. Monitoring the implementation progress of adaptation action contributes to the commitment of adaptation component under Vietnam’s NDC and the development of the MRV system for adaptation. The MRV for adaptation needs to be further researched and developed.


Indicator, Monitoring, Adaptation, Delphi Technique


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