Association between Coronary Artery Disease and Erectile Dysfunction in Patients of a University Hospital

Association between Coronary Artery Disease and Erectile Dysfunction in Patients of a University Hospital

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Author(s): Nicole Favretto Baltazar, Carolina Dario Fischer, Stefanie Basilio Medeiros, Paola Beatriz Souza Ferrés, Luis Cesar Fava Spessoto, Moacir Fernandes de Godoy, Fernando Nestor Facio Junior

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1371 180 572 40-44 Volume 6 - Jul 2017


Background: Over the last decade, male sexual dysfunction has become a topic of great interest to clinicians, researchers and to public health managers. Many chronic coronary artery disease patients in Brazil suffer from erectile dysfunction (ED) and most do not feel comfortable about reporting their complaints. One of the main protection mechanisms against the onset and progression of cardiovascular diseases is physical activity. The objective of this study was to investigate the association between coronary artery disease and the degree of ED in a university hospital, as well as its relationship with age and modifiable risk factors such as low levels of physical activity and smoking. Methods: Sixty-seven patients with coronary artery disease were evaluated at a university hospital in a cross-sectional observational study using the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) questionnaire. Results: No association was found for the degree of ED with coronary artery disease, physical exercise or smoking. However, the results of this questionnaire showed that 79% these patients had some degree of ED. Conclusions: In this study, no association was found between patients with coronary artery disease and the degree of ED but, at a cut-off point of 21, the IIEF was very sensitive to indicate the presence of concomitant coronary artery disease.


Coronary Artery Disease, Erectile Dysfunction, Physical Activity, Smoking


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