Applications of Polypyrrole/Polyester Textiles: A Review

Applications of Polypyrrole/Polyester Textiles: A Review

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Author(s): Amelia Carolina Sparavigna

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1391 265 864 98-107 Volume 6 - Aug 2017


The polypyrrole, in its intrinsically conducting form, can be used to prepare composites such as polypyrrole/polyester textiles by coating yarns or fabrics made of polyester. In this manner, we obtain textiles that can be involved in several applications, among which we find the use of textiles in electromagnetic shielding. However, several other uses of polypyrrole/polyester composites are possible, such as in biomedical applications. Here we propose a survey of the literature about these composites.


Textiles, Polypyrrole, Intrinsically Conducting Polymers, Electromagnetic shielding


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