Gestalt Theory and Gestalt Principles in Religious Structures

Gestalt Theory and Gestalt Principles in Religious Structures

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Author(s): Reyhan Akat, Birgül Çakıroğlu

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1402 211 735 126-139 Volume 6 - Aug 2017


In this study, basic design concepts related to Gestalt principles were examined. In the first phase of the work, the principles that Gestalt theory developed in the field of visual perception are introduced and the basic design principles are explained by various abstract examples. In the second phase, gestalt principles have been tested with concrete examples of the various existing implementations. As a study area; In Turkey, various examples of religious architectural buildings were selected. These types of structures; Early and classical mosque, medrese and tomb examples. As a result of the analysis of the religious architecture samples taken into consideration; The types of structures are expressed in basic design principles, which are related to guttal theory. After all; The importance of implementing design concepts related to gestalt principles in the construction has been emphasized.


Gestalt Principles, Basic Design Concepts, Religious Structure


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