James Stırlıng (1926-1992) and Works

James Stırlıng (1926-1992) and Works

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Author(s): Birgül Çakıroğlu, Reyhan Akat

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1407 854 494 148-164 Volume 6 - Aug 2017


One of the most successful architects of Brutalism in architecture, one of the most influential architects in the 20th century architecture of the United Kingdom with its own postmodernist understanding. In this study; James Stirling and his works are given based on the literature. The humanist, the reformist, and the social Utopian have shown an attitude. Stirling believed and strived to build a humanistic architecture, using mainly the elements and references that the people would understand and accept. When we look at the whole of architectural life, we can say that Stirling is not worried about creating a strong theory, and that he has transferred the orientations of world architecture to architecture practice with great intuition and courage.


James Stirling, James Stirling's architectural works, architectural works, Postmodernism, Brutalism


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  2. Collective, Architecture, NTV publications, 2012
  3. Sharp, D. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Architects and Architecture. New York, Quatro Publishing, 1991.
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  6. Melvin, J., Understanding the Architecture of the IMS, 2nd Edition, ed., 2009.
  7. Jacobus; J. James Stirling, Oxford University press, nex York, 1975.
  8. Jencks, C., Post Modernizsm, Academy Editions, London, 1987.
  9. Jenks, C., "Interview with James Stirling", Decoration, 1989, issue: September.
  10. Lawrence, J.; Miller, C., Smith, D., A., and Taylor, J., Application Books Architecture, NTV Publications, 2nd Edition 2010, Istanbul.
  11. Gieselmann, R. Searching for Style in Architecture, Constructed Choices, 1996.
  12. Stierlin, H., Encyclopedia of World Architecture, Evergreen, Spain, 1977.
  13. Şahinler, F., "Stirling from Istanbul", Dekorason, 1989, issue: September.
  14. Tanyeli, U., "Life of Stirling's Pikaresk", Decoration, 1992.
  15. Tümertekin, H., "Only Building Designed", Decoration, 1992, issue 9.

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