Development of Economic Forest Plantation Management in Thailand

Development of Economic Forest Plantation Management in Thailand

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Author(s): Wisuthra Intongkaew, Liu Junchang

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1463 239 716 52-62 Volume 6 - Oct 2017


Economic Forest as a forest plantation in private land is the target area of the government forest policy to increase forest area. Such target not only increase forest area, but also timber consumption within the country and export. Consequently, the Royal Thai Government (RTG) by Royal Forest Department (RFD) have to encourage the private companies, individual farmers and other sectors participate in increasing economic forest plantation area. At the same time, the government sector, needs to develop the economic forest plantation management, namely; improve the law due to the problem of verifying the timber source as forest plantation or natural forest for confident of the rights and benefits of the forest plantation, support of economic forest plantation is still in operate concurrently with improve the process of regulations and technology for service to facilitate the several stakeholders according to levels of production, and the RFD have projects to promote an individual farmer to plant forest plantation by supporting subsidy and conditioned planting long rotation trees and planting short rotation trees which are worthwhile investment and give high benefit. Nevertheless, in terms of the government management had taken the growing timber demand into account by combining with sustainable management of natural forests and development of efficient production from forest plantations in order to increase forest area according to the National Forest Policy.


National Forest Policy, Economic Forest Plantation Management, Support and Promotion


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