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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1650
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Volume 7 - May 2018
The present study aims to review the presence of winged accrescent sepals in various plant families with emphasis to the Subfamilies, Tribes and genera of the Chenopodiaceae and their significance in classification. Winged accrescent sepals were found to be sporadically scattered in 24 dicotyledonous and two monocotyledonous, one Gymnosperm and one Bryophyte families. In the Chenopodiaceae, winged accrescent sepals are present in three Subfamilies, five Tribes and 26 genera. The present review showed that these modified sepals although are unique morphological features in certain genera, Tribes and Subfamilies in the family Chenopodiaceae, they are also encountered in unrelated families and are not supported by molecular characteristics. Within the Chenopodiaceae, both the genera Sarcobatus and Dysphania, possess winged accrescent sepals, but molecular characteristics support the transfer of the genus Sarcobatus to a separate family, and confirmed the position of Dysphania within the family Chenopodiaceae. In addition, based on molecular characteristics, Subfamily Polycnemoideae which doesn't possess winged accrescent sepals, shared similarity with the Chenopodiaceae.
Modifications of Sepals, Sarcobatus, Dysphania, Polycnemoideae, Molecular Characteristics
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