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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1689
~ 191
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a 77-86
Volume 7 - May 2018
Teachers are daily required to manage various and complex school problems. Sometimes are not able to manage them efficiently. This is a good reason for the existence of a more experienced, educated and well-practiced person who is able to support them, give expert advices, information, or specific practices for managing education problems. This person, called Mentor, acting as an adult trainer may be useful to a school unit by advising, giving instructions, information, directions or expert knowledge that teachers need in their daily school work. Based on this point of view, the present survey tries to record teachers’ views about the role of a specific Mentor focused on learning difficulties assessment in a school community, as many educators are not well trained to cope with issues related to learning difficulties and thus, their scientific and well-organized management in school class. Students’ learning problems are issues that make teachers feel anxious or not quite sure about their choices on the implementation of appropriate and well-adjusted learning methods during school class. 80 permanent teachers from the urban area of Patras took part in the present study where they were asked to make a questionnaire about the role of a specific mentor focused on learning difficulties assessment and his contribution to a school unit. Data analysis demonstrated the necessity of such a person where his role is to communicate with all teachers in a school community giving them specific advices or practices for certain, effective and well established management for learning difficulties problems. It is also pointed out that teachers need a counselor who can provide support, assistance and guidance for certain issues and school problems. Engaging in mentoring process improves interpersonal skills, cooperation and communication among mentor and mentees. Teachers can function in a less stress environment, get support and specific advices on learning difficulties issues and foster a sense of cooperation and communication for effective and productive school work.
Mentor, Mentee, Advisory and Supportive Role, Expert Mentor Focused on Learning Difficulties Assessment
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