Assessing Creative Products by Experts

Assessing Creative Products by Experts

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Author(s): Kuan Chen Tsai

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690 1237 13-17 Volume 2 - May 2013


The product-orientated definition of creativity is widely acceptable because it is empirically objective and adequately reliable. The objective of this study was oriented toward understanding experts’ perceptions of creativity evaluated by experts. The perceptional map indicates that two dimensions clearly existed in the assessment of creativity among six experts. It is speculated that these two dimensions might be related to technical and aesthetic factors. Overall, the homogeneity of six experts’ perceptions of creativity on 46 collages implies that the product approach to some extent is a valid assessment of creativity. However, it is clear that more research is needed in the application of expert judges on creative products.


Creativity assessment, creative product, perceptional map, multidimensional scaling


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