Author(s): Shahid Ali jakhrani, Mushtaque Ali, Farkhanda Zaman Dayo, Sahrish Fareed Memon, Khan Mohammad Malik, Muhammad Qasim
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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1808
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Volume 7 - Oct 2018
The aim of present study was to monitor arsenic and other trace and toxic elemental exposure in groundwater ofT aluka Sobhodero being most populous Taluka of District Khairpur, Sindh, Pakistan. 333 groundwater samples were collected on the basis of Union Councils throughout Taluka Sobhodero. Among 333 samples, 90 were collected from tube well (90-TW) and 243 were collected from hand pump (243-HP) sources in the study area. Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (Perkin Elmer, AAS-100) was used for analysis of elemental concentrations but in case of arsenic analysis AAS coupled with mercury hydride generator MHS-15 was used in the laboratories of Institute of Chemistry, Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur, Pakistan. The concentrations of arsenic, copper, iron, nickel, lead and zinc were found in range of 19.5-58µgL-1, 85-260µgL-1, 209-412µgL-1, 01-19µgL-1, 06-14µgL-1 and 114-420µgL-1respectively in HP samples and8.6-36 µgL-1, 16-90 µgL-1, 45-100 µgL-1, 01-09 µgL-1, 03-08 µgL-1 and 22-111µgL-1 correspondingly in TW samples. The proposed maximum contamination limit (MCL) for As, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb and Zn in drinking water was10, 2000,300,20, 100, and 3000µgL-1 respectively as specified by WHO. The comparative study indicated that groundwater samples collected from TW sources have shown lowest levels of As, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb and Zn as compared to HP samples possibly due to higher depths of the motor pumps.
Arsenic, Toxic metals, Drinking water, Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
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