A Study on the Leaf Surfaces Micro-Morphological Characteristics in the Chenopodiaceae

A Study on the Leaf Surfaces Micro-Morphological Characteristics in the Chenopodiaceae

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Author(s): Gamal E.B. El Ghazali, Abdulrhaman A. Al-Soqeer, Wail E. Abdalla

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1874 47 167 56-61 Volume 7 - Dec 2018


The aim of the present study is to determine the micro-morphological properties of the leaf surfaces of nine species belonging to the family Chenopodiaceae, using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Leaf surfaces were noticed to vary considerably with respect to cuticle structural types, stomatal pores position, guard cells cuticular ledges and types of trichomes. Lamellate and lamellate-reticulate cuticular types were recognized. These cuticular folds undergo various patterns, depth and orientation in the various species examined. Sunken, ridged, leveled, raised or depressed stomatal pores were encountered, whereas, the guard cells ledges were poorly or well- developed. In Suaeda vermiculata the stomatal pores are sunken in high longitudinal folds rendering the ledges indistinct. Non-glandular unbranched trichomes were detected in Bassia muricata, and collapsed salt bladders were reported in Atriplex leucoclada. The results showed that the micro-morphological characters of the leaf-surfaces examined are considered to be adaptations in response to arid conditions.


Cuticular Structures, Guard Cells Ledges, Trichomes, Pores Position, Aridity, SEM


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