Diameter Growth Studies of Dipterocarp Hill Forest in Selangor Forest Reserves, Malaysia

Diameter Growth Studies of Dipterocarp Hill Forest in Selangor Forest Reserves, Malaysia

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Author(s): Rosaizan Haryani Rosli, Kang Xin Gang

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786 1198 18-23 Volume 2 - Jun 2013


A growth study is important in the management of hill dipterocarp forest in Malaysia. The future of role in management of hill dipterocarp forest was depending on how well the remaining available resource is managed today. In order to achieve sustainability of forest management and to better understanding of forest stand and behavior, accurate growth data were important to outline the management strategies. Specific information on the behavior of particular forest stands pertaining to growth performance, mortality, density, structure and species composition is urgently required to evaluate the management system. This study is aim to determine the diameter growth performance in hill dipterocarp forest after harvesting. The study was conducted in a logged-over hill dipterocarp forest at Sungai Lalang Forest Reserve, Selangor. Results show, the overall Diameter Mean Annual Increment of 0.4518 cm yr-1 for all trees 10cm to 30cm DBH and Diameter Mean Annual Increment of 0.5638 cm yr-1 for all trees 30cm DBH is considerably lower than the rate of 0.8 to 1.0cm yr-1 assumed under Selective Management Systems. Although Diameter Mean Annual Increment of dipterocarp (Dipterocarp Meranti= 0.6248 cm yr-1, Dipterocarp Non Meranti = 0.3314 cm yr-1 ) were higher than that of non dipterocarp, their overall contribution to forest growth was small due to their lower stocking in the residual stand. The results from this study have provided some understanding of growth in hill dipterocarp forest after harvesting. This should be useful for planning future research on growth and for guidelines for current management system of tropical forests, particularly in Peninsular Malaysia.


Diameter Growth, Hill Dipterocarp Forest


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