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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1902
~ 64
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a 105-116
Volume 8 - Jun 2019
Vegetables make up a major portion of human diet in many parts of the world and play significant role in human nutrition especially as sources of vitamins, minerals, dietary fibre and phytochemicals. In Nigeria, some indigenous vegetables have become neglected and underutilised despite their great potential in contributing to food security and nutrition. This study therefore aimed at determining the consumption pattern of neglected and underutilized vegetables among rural households in Akinyele Local Government Area (LGA), Ibadan, Nigeria. The descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out among 220 rural household women in Akinyele LGA. Information on socio-economic and demographic characteristics, respondent’s knowledge of and familiarity with the chosen indigenous vegetables, frequency of consumption and factors influencing consumption of these vegetables were obtained from respondents using pre-tested, semi-structured, interviewer-administered questionnaire with a section on multi-pass 24-hour diet recall. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics and Chi-square test at p<0.05. Mean age of respondents was 44.7±18.0 years. Only few (7.3%) of the respondents know, have seen and eat Ogunmo, while many (26.4%, 35.0%, 31.4%, 30.9% and 41.8%) know, have seen and eat Moringa leaf, Efo odu, Yanrin, Ebolo, and Worowo respectively out of all the vegetables studied. Many respondents reportedly consume Worowo (42.7%), Ebolo (53.6%), Ugwu (28.2%), Yanrin (40.5%), Efo odu (41.4%) and Igbaagba (27.7%) less than once in a month and 65.0%, 30.0%, and 59.1% has never consumed Ogunmo, Efirin, and Moringa leaf respectively in the last one month. Most (96.4%) respondents reported that the seasonal nature of the vegetables affects their consumption. There is need for consumers education on the benefits of inclusion of indigenous neglected and underutilised vegetables in their daily diets as they have been found to possess a high potential for improving nutrition and health in many areas around the world.
Dietary Diversity, Neglected and Underutilized Vegetables, Vegetable Consumption Pattern, Rural Households
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