Engineered Polymers in Packaging: Some Solutions to Prevent Electrostatic Discharge

Engineered Polymers in Packaging: Some Solutions to Prevent Electrostatic Discharge

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Author(s): Amelia Carolina Sparavigna

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1928 57 184 116-123 Volume 8 - Feb 2019


Due to their wide range of properties and features, the polymeric materials are largely used in flexible packaging. These materials are fitting an extraordinarily variety of applications. Here we start a series of articles, the aim of which is that of discussing how polymers relate themselves to applications. This first article is concerning the polymers engineered to control the electrostatic discharge.


Packaging Films, Flexible Packaging, Electrostatic Discharge Materials, Polymers, Carbon Black, Carbon Nanotubes, Converting Industry


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