Determination of PAHs and BTEX in Soil and Crops (Cocoyam and Cassava) of Crude Oil Impacted Community, Mogho Gokana, Nigeria

Determination of PAHs and BTEX in Soil and Crops (Cocoyam and Cassava) of Crude Oil Impacted Community, Mogho Gokana, Nigeria

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Author(s): Echem, Ogbonda G, Kalagbor, Ihesinachi A , Lucky, G.B

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.2029 58 281 19-24 Volume 8 - May 2019


The aim of this study is to determine the impact of crude oil spillage on soil and harvested tuber crops (cocoyam and cassava) in Mogho Community. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene (BTEX) were investigated using Gas Chromatography – Flame Ionization Detector. Tuber crops and soils from crude oil impacted area of Mogho Community were used as the sample; while soil not impacted by crude oil were collected from Bori was used as the control. The results obtained for PAHs showed mean concentration of 0.035mg/kg for polluted soil; 0.001mg/kg for cassava, and 0.005mg/kg for cocoyam harvested from the polluted soil while the unpolluted soil (control) had a mean concentration of 0.002mg/kg. The mean concentration of BTEX for the samples was <0.001 which is below detection limit. The presence of PAHs in samples was found to be both low molecular weight and high molecular weight. The PAHs found in the polluted soil was higher compared to that of the unpolluted soil. The concentration of PAHs found in samples, exceeds the recommended permissible limit of WHO standard, which is (0.0001mg/kg). These results reveal that crude oil pollution is responsible for the presence of PAHs in soils and tuber crops like cassava and cocoyam which are frequently consumed in our localities. Government and oil companies should employ mitigating measures to deal with pipeline vandalization and oil spillage in this area.


PAHs, BTEX, Soil, Tuber Crops, Crude Oil


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