Flood Management in Pakistan’s Ecology

Flood Management in Pakistan’s Ecology

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Author(s): Syed Ahmad Hassan, Tanveer Ahmed Siddiqi, Muhammad Imtiaz, Syed Inayatullah, Saba Naz

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.2047 45 221 7-15 Volume 8 - May 2019


Flood management and control are essential to reduce economic and human life losses and to maintain the ecological condition. The intensity of occurrence of flood disasters constitutes a persistent and serious problem all round the world. Floods are growing in intensity and frequency year by year, producing adverse effects on the socioeconomic conditions of the country in question. This is particularly true for Pakistan since its birth. Serious scarcity of water in one season and disastrous floods in the other is a common observation. Vast rural and urban areas have to undergo a great disaster year by year. It seems that while some areas become less productive due to the deficiency of water. In the absence of any control measures a large amount of water is uselessly drained out in the sea. During the years when the river does not flow above the “fair irrigation level” for a sufficient time, canals are cut off from their water supply sooner and the entire irrigation system suffers. The arena of problems like correct assessment, proper storage, reliable control and judicious distribution of existing water masses among the provinces of Pakistan can be properly handled only by proper scientific research. For the prevention of major property damages and great agricultural losses, a detailed river flow study based on long-term predictions is very essential. For the study of uncertainty involved in real-time estimation and forecasting for the Pakistan’s rivers this paper stressing on the role of local climatological parameters on the IRS flow as these parameter influence the river flow extreme events (floods) and their management and control. For this purpose this paper giving a plan to design an early warning system and flood management and control plan.


Flood Management, Flood Control, Indus River, Climate Change


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