From Superficial Damage to Invasion of the Nucleosome: Ranking of Morbidities by the Biosemiotic Depth Hypothesis

From Superficial Damage to Invasion of the Nucleosome: Ranking of Morbidities by the Biosemiotic Depth Hypothesis

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Author(s): John W. Oller, Christopher A. Shaw

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.2069 32 172 51-73 Volume 8 - Jun 2019


At their most abstract level, according to a certain generalized paradigm in biosemiotic philosophy grounded in well-established mathematical proofs, valid communications from molecules upward must be formally isomorphic to the dynamic true narrative representations (TNRs) of natural language systems that vest those meaningful signs with their functional (pragmatic) content. TNRs, in DNA, RNA, proteins, and higher constructions, therefore, are requisite to health in the individual, in interactions with the larger environment, and with other organisms. In homo sapiens, the generalized biosemiotic paradigm proves that morbidities in general must always, in some manner, involve degradation of internal and external communications through TNRs in DNA, RNA, protein language, organelles, cells, tissues, and organ systems. The mathematically grounded paradigm shows that any given TNR can be superveniently degenerated, by very coarse or very fine degrees, to many distinct fictions, errors, lies, and nonsense strings out to the absolute limit of a complete erasure. The depth hypothesis asserts that if the timing and breadth of any degenerative disruption can be held equal, in fact or in principle, the depth of penetration of any disruptive factor into biosignaling representations must in theory be pathognomonic of severity in the supervened morbidities. From meiosis through conception to maturity, ceteris paribus, corruptions deeper in the developmental hierarchy must be more harmful in the morbidities they supervene. The depth hypothesis suggests a differentiation of autoimmune disorders as deeper than allergies, but less so than prion diseases, tumorigenesis, and metastatic cancers in that order. It suggests, therefore, a potentially useful generalized ranking of morbidities.


Aluminum Adjuvants, Autoimmune Diseases, Biosemiotic Depth, Degrading Biosignaling Systems, Etiology of Morbidities, Pragmatic Mapping, TNR-Theory, True Narrative Representations


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