An Investigation into Chemical Parameters of Water of Dhaleswari - A River alongside Tannery Village of Bangladesh

An Investigation into Chemical Parameters of Water of Dhaleswari - A River alongside Tannery Village of Bangladesh

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Author(s): Sarmin Akter, Kamrujjaman, Rashed-Ul-Islam, Badhan Saha

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.2073 48 205 159-164 Volume 8 - May 2019


This investigation attempts to assess the chemical parameter of water of Dhaleshwari river Savar, Dhaka alongside the newly constructed tannery village of Bangladesh. The chemical parameters like pH, Electrical Conductivity (EC), Dissolve Oxygen (DO), Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), and Salinity are determined. The result reveals that the pH of water collected at different points and at different times of year were ranges from 7.60 to 6.50. EC of water collected at different points and at different times of year were ranges from11.80 µS/cm to 2080 µS/cm. The average value of DO at spot-1 was 4.79166±3.23 mg/l. Spot-2 showed average DO about 6.571667±1.47 mg/l. Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) of water collected at different points and at different times of year ranges from 1.13 to 17.1 mg/l. Throughout the study period the monthly value of COD were within the range of 218.12mg/L (as minimum value) to 1276.6 mg/L (maximum value). In the study area Salinity of water collected at different points and at different times of year ranged from 0 (minimum) to 0.1 (maximum).


Water Quality, Chemical Parameter, COD, BOD, Electrical Conductivity, Dhaleshwari River, Tannery Village


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