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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.2074
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Volume 8 - Jun 2019
In this investigation, MAC (mental abacus calculation) trained and unchained (control) groups of elementary school children were measured with Raven Reasoning Intelligence Test and basic cognitive abilities; the tested scores were processed with transverse (across-sectional) comparisons between the two groups in the same time as well as longitudinal comparisons within the same groups in different times; and roles of MAC in developing children's intelligence were discussed. Our results showed: (1) The intelligence quotient (IQ) of the children in MAC group was significantly higher (P ﹤0.01) than that of the control group when the cross-sectional comparisons were performed, and (2) the cognitive abilities of children in MAC group were more significantly improved (P ﹤0.05) when the longitudinal comparisons were performed. Conclusion: MAC trainings can promote developments of children's IQ, basic cognitive abilities and intelligence. Children's brain function has a strong plasticity and huge space to develop.
Neuroscience, IQ, Brain, Function, Imaginary Thinking, Transverse, Across-Sectional, Longitudinal Comparison
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