Synchronization of Kuramoto Oscillators on Knots

Synchronization of Kuramoto Oscillators on Knots

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Author(s): Amelia Carolina Sparavigna

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.217 631 1168 85-88 Volume 2 - Jul 2013


A knot is a circle embedded in the space. Projecting a knot on a plane, we obtain a diagram which is known as the knot diagram. The vertices of the diagram, where the curved lines are crossed, can be considered as sites occupied by oscillators. The synchronization of these oscillators can be studied by means of a Kuramoto model. Here we propose to define some order parameters, of the complete knot diagram and of its regions, to study the synchronization of the system with regard to the different parts of it.


Knots, Synchronization, Kuramoto model


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