Author(s): Jérôme T. YAMEOGO, Kalifa COULIBALY, Tatiana M. C. COMPAORE, Antoine N. SOME, Hassan B. NACRO
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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.2189
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Volume 8 - Nov 2019
Kuinima forest ecosystem, a classified forest, located in western Burkina Faso, is undergoing accelerated degradation due to climatic hazards and anthropogenic factors such as excessive cutting of trees, bush fires, etc. The main objective of this study is to assess the contribution of three water and soil conservation techniques (Zaï forest, stone rows, Zaï forest+ stone rows) to soil carbon sequestration and their impact on some soil physicochemical parameters. Thus, soil samples were taken, and the physicochemical parameters of the soil were analyzed in the laboratory. The organic carbon stock was calculated based on the results of the carbon content analysis. The results revealed that the treatments had higher clay and silt contents than the control. The treatments also had a significant impact on soil organic carbon content, total nitrogen, available potassium and cation exchange capacity over the 0-20 cm depth. Compared to the control, the Zaï forest, Zaï forest+stone rows and stone rows treatments led to respective increase in the carbon stock of 166%, 77% and 21%. In conclusion, this study has shown that Zaï forest and stone rows can contribute significantly to soil carbon sequestration to fight against climate change.
Zaï Forest, Carbon Stock, Climate Change, Stone Rows, Burkina Faso
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