How Do Students in Vocational Programs Learn? A Study of Similarities and Differences in Learning Strategies

How Do Students in Vocational Programs Learn? A Study of Similarities and Differences in Learning Strategies

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Author(s): Lena Boström

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790 1514 43-56 Volume 2 - Aug 2013


Vocational programs are facing educational challenges. Many students leave secondary school in Sweden without graduating, and this is problematic in terms of equivalence, skill segregation, and lifelong learning for the students. This study has tried to see learning through students’ eyes, and it has examined learning strategies in six different vocational programs. The research questions have addressed which general learning strategies dominate and which differentiate. The study involved 244 students. The Productivity Environmental Preference Survey (PEPS) learning styles assessment was used to identify 20 different student traits. Sex groups were compared with descriptive statistics and analyzed by using the F-test and analysis of variance (ANOVA). The tendencies were low motivation, conformity, a high need for structure and routine, multimodal dominance, and a need for intake and movements. The most productive time of day was in the afternoon. The statistical analysis revealed that six of the 20 elements differed, but there were more similarities than differences. This study highlights the importance of finding a pedagogical model that is suitable for vocational education, expanded educational strategies, and in-depth didactic discussions. The results are valuable for people involved in the planning of vocational education and for the students themselves.


differences, learning styles, pedagogical implications, similarities, vocational education


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