Morphological and Structural Diversity of Native Mycorrhizae Communities Associated with Gossypium hirsutum L. under Sudano-Sahelian Climate of North Cameroon

Morphological and Structural Diversity of Native Mycorrhizae Communities Associated with Gossypium hirsutum L. under Sudano-Sahelian Climate of North Cameroon

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Author(s): Koulagna Issa Honoré, Tchuenteu Tatchum Lucien, Kosma Philippe, Abakar Abba Said, Ismael Ramza Haman, Megueni Clautilde

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.2257 47 170 66-75 Volume 9 - Jan 2020


This study describes endomycorrhiza that enter into association with Gossypium hirsitum L. (cotton) grown in North Cameroon. During the study, twenty seven (27) soil samples were collected from three Divisions of the North Cameroon (Benoue, Mayo-Rey, Mayo-Louti). In each Division, nine (09) composite soils were sampled, thus 03 per locality (village), corresponding to sampling sites. Cotton seeds were grown in field for 04 months. Mycorrhizal parameters, spores density and specific richness were determined following to the appropriate methods. After spore extraction, species description and characterization were obtained through the informations provided by the International Vesicular Mycorrhizal fungi collection (INVAM): ID.htm. Results indicate that mycorrhizal parameters varied depending on sampling sites significantly (p˂0.05). Mayo-Louti (286.22 ± 11.47 spores/100 g of soil) and Benoue (273.77 ± 83.28 spores/100 g of soil) had higher spores densities than Mayo-Rey (209.55 ± 40.01 spores/100 g of soil). The morphological and structural characterization enabled the description of five endomycorrhizal species, belonging to four genera: Glomus constrictum, Glomus manihotis, Acaulospora kentinensis, Entrophospora infrequens, Rhizophagus intraradices. . Glomus is the only genus found in all sampling sites. These findings open opportunities for domestication and application of endomycorrhiza for a sustainable field productivity of cotton in the North Cameroon.


North Cameroon, Gossypium Hirsitum, Mycorrhizal Parameters, Spores Density, Specific Richness


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