Evaluation of Wind Resource Potential in Mountainous Region: A Case Study of Mandara Mountains

Evaluation of Wind Resource Potential in Mountainous Region: A Case Study of Mandara Mountains

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Author(s): D. W. Medugu, A. S. Umar, J. Waida

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.2313 26 114 33-39 Volume 9 - Apr 2020


This study analyzed the evaluation of wind resource potential available at Mubi and Gwoza North-eastern Nigeria; and Guider and Mokolo far North Cameroon stations, respectively selected in Mandara Mountains covering period of six years (2011 to 2016). At all stations the overall maximum mean annual wind speed of 2.82 m/s was found at Guider in 2015 and the minimum of 2.20 m/s at Gwoza in 2012. The occurrences of annual mean wind speed of 2.82m/s was observed in 2015 at Guider reflecting a higher Weibull shape of 10.44 and scale 2.96m/s parameter, respectively. They were respectively observed in 2012 in Gwaza as 2.20m/s, 6.34 and 2.36m/s, while others stations are moderate. The annual Wind Power Density (WPD) potential at all stations varies between 7.15 - 14.25 W/m2 while others are moderate. However, it was observed from this evaluation, that Mandara Mountain is a poor wind power potential site based on the International classification, with the highest value being Guider station. Therefore, the site is applicable for wind energy exploitation in small scale.


Wind Resource, Wind Speed, Weibull Shape, Power Density, Mandara Mountains


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