Experimental Investigation of the Flow Field around NACA0012 Airfoil

Experimental Investigation of the Flow Field around NACA0012 Airfoil

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Author(s): Onur Yemenici

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1005 2246 98-101 Volume 2 - Aug 2013


In this study, an experimental investigation of the flow field around NACA0012 airfoil was carried out in a wind tunnel under the effects of the Reynolds number and angle of attack. The Reynolds number based on the chord length of airfoil and the attack angle was varied from 9.7x104 to 1.9x105 and 0 to 140 respectively. Mean velocities were measured by a constant temperature anemometer and static pressures by a micro-manometer. The results showed that the pressure and lift coefficients displayed a strong dependence on Reynolds number and attack angle.


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