Multi Storied Forest Management System as an Enrichment Planting Arrangement on Poorly Stocked Inland Forest: An Experience in Peninsular Malaysia

Multi Storied Forest Management System as an Enrichment Planting Arrangement on Poorly Stocked Inland Forest: An Experience in Peninsular Malaysia

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Author(s): Noradli Bin Parsada

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488 1273 28-42 Volume 2 - Nov 2013


The paper present the results of evaluation of the data set that contains the variety of trees species and approaches under Multi Storied Forest Management System on three (3) selected sites, namely, Secondary forest, Acacia mangium forest and Selective logged over forest in Peninsular Malaysia. The results showed that in Secondary forest, Shorea roxburghii showed the highest survival rate at 98% and the highest average of diameter growth with 2.13cm at one (1) year planting. While in Acacia mangium forest, Hopea odorata had exceeding the highest survival rate with 77% and has the highest average of diameter growth with 2.06cm at one (1) year planting. For Selective logged over natural forest, Dipterocarpus baudii shows the highest survival rate with 76% meanwhile Shorea leprosula has the highest average of diameter growth with 1.5cm at one (1) year after planting. These results indicate that with the right species selection used under several planting methods of Multi Storied Forest Management System will become the potential application for future large enrichment planting programme in poorly stocked inland forest in Peninsular Malaysia.


growth performance, survival rate, diameter growth, enrichment planting, secondary forest, Acacia mangium forest, selective logged over forest


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