Assessments on the Status and Future of Map and Cadaster Education in Vocational Schools

Assessments on the Status and Future of Map and Cadaster Education in Vocational Schools

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Author(s): Ayhan Goktepe, Engin KOCAMAN

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419 884 1-4 Volume 3 - Mar 2014


As in various countries around the world, technology has been developing in our country and the need for trained and qualified technical staff has been growing in parallel to this development. Maps constitute the groundwork of the planning and project designs conducted in the fields of engineering related to infrastructure. Cadastral mapping technicians play an important role in all the studies conducted in order to obtain these maps. For this reason, it is necessary for cadastral mapping technicians to renew themselves in parallel to these developments. Today, the tools used in the mapping sector are being renewed in parallel with the rapidly changing technological developments and software and hardware are also updated in accordance with this renewal. For this reason, it is necessary to review the mapping education given at vocational schools by taking the current conditions and developments into consideration.


Map and cadaster, education, land registry cadaster, cadastral mapping technician


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