Reproductive Performance of Rabbit Does Fed Graded Levels of Moringa Oleifera Leaf Meal Based Diet

Reproductive Performance of Rabbit Does Fed Graded Levels of Moringa Oleifera Leaf Meal Based Diet

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Author(s): Amao Emmanuel Ayodele, Jimoh Rasaq Adeola, Adeoti Temitope Mayowa

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590 1739 50-53 Volume 3 - Mar 2014


In a fourteen-week trial, twenty rabbit does and five bucks of mixed breed (for mating) weighing between 1874.50 and 1891.00 were allotted to four experimental diets in a completely randomized design to evaluate the reproductive performance of rabbitsdoes fed Moringa oleifera leaf meal as a replacement for soyabean meal in their diet. Pregnancy was detected by abdominal palpation at 14th and 21st days and nest boxes were provided for expectant does at the 28th day. Measurement were taken on Percent conception, Gestation length, Litter size at birth, Litter weight at birth , Average individual kit weight , Llitter size at weaning , Litter weight at weaning and Average kit weight at weaning . The study showed significant difference (p<0.05) on percentage conception with animals on 10% moringa leaf meal having the lowest value of 80%. Litter weight at birth showed significant difference (p<0.05) in favour of animals placed on moringa leaf meal as the the moringa leaf inclusion increses. Litter size at wening had highest value (p<0.05) for animals on 10% moringa leaf meal. Litter weight at weaning and average kit weight at weaning had highest value for animals on 20% moringa leaf meal. Based on these results inclusion of moringa leaf meal in breeding does diet pose no negative effect on the reproductive performance of the animals. To promote production in rabbit enterprise especially breeding aspect, moringa oleifera leaf meal could favorably replace soyabean meal up to 20%.


Rabbit does, reproductive performance, moringa oleifera, diet


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