Reduction of Cell Phone Electromagnetic Radiation Effect on Human Body

Reduction of Cell Phone Electromagnetic Radiation Effect on Human Body

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Author(s): Jalal J. Hamad Ameen

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751 1779 19-23 Volume 3 - Mar 2014


Electromagnetic waves generated by different wireless systems like mobile systems, satellite systems, microwave links…etc. facilitates our communications throughout the world. These waves have many effects on the human body as well as our daily lives. The effects of electromagnetic waves cause many problems and diseases in the human body like cancer. Nowadays, types of the cancer caused by these waves has increased, because mobile users have increased. Because of the importance of human, this paper will address ways for humans to reduce the effects of electromagnetic waves and to reduce cancer. The proposal consists of many recommendations in wireless systems like mobile systems, guiding the users of wireless users specially mobile users how to reduce these waves effects. Furthermore, this research will describe methods to decrease electromagnetic waves and propose alternative techniques instead.


Electromagnetic radiation, cell phone, effect of cell phone radiation, reduction of cell phone radiation effect


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