Emilio Salgari and the Energy Harvesting from Gulf Stream

Emilio Salgari and the Energy Harvesting from Gulf Stream

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Author(s): Amelia Carolina Sparavigna

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.571 476 1162 50-54 Volume 3 - Sep 2014


Some researchers and engineers are hoping to harvest renewable energy by means of sea turbines, placed, for instance, in the oceanic currents. Recently, in March 2014, it was announced that some first tests have also been conducted in the Gulf Stream off Florida’s coast. In this paper, we will see that the hope for energy harvesting from this oceanic current is not recent, but it is, at least, a hundred-year-old. In fact, we find the description of mills in the Gulf Stream in a novel, entitled “The Wonders of 2000”, written by Emilio Salgari (1862 - 1911), Italian adventure writer and pioneer of science fiction.


Science Fiction, Emilio Salgari, Energy Harvesting, Gulf Stream, Oceanic Currents


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  7. Patent: Installation for Harvesting Ocean Currents (IHOC), Publication number US 6856036 B2, available at www.google.com/patents/US6856036
  8. Vv.Aa., Emilio Salgari, Wikipedia, en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/Emilio_Salgari
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  11. Vv.Aa., Benjamin Franklin, Wikipedia, en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/Benjamin_Franklin
  12. Vv.Aa., NOAA, Benjamin Franklin was the First Person to Chart the Gulf Stream, http://oceanservice.noaa.gov/ facts/bfranklin.html
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  14. Resurgence & Ecologist , Volume 10, Issue 5, June 1980, Page 169
  15. K. Sanders, Researchers to Test Ocean Turbine Generators Off Florida Coast, June 4th 2014, NBC News

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