Evaluation of the Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes of Pulpotomy in Primary Molars using Formocresol, CEM Cement and Sodium Hypochlorite 5%

Evaluation of the Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes of Pulpotomy in Primary Molars using Formocresol, CEM Cement and Sodium Hypochlorite 5%

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Author(s): Seyedeh Zeinab Salehi, Seyed Ebrahim Jabarifar, Marjan Babadi Borujeni

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.667 490 1408 35-40 Volume 4 - Apr 2015


Aim: This in vitro study was carried out to assess the clinical and radiographic success of pulpotomy in primary molars following the use of formocresol, sodium hypochlorite 5% (NaCOl) and Calcium Enriched Mixture (CEM) cement. Materials and methods: This study was conducted on 108 primary molars of 5-8 year old children who referred to the pediatric dentistry, Isfahan faculty of dentistry. The selected teeth were equally distributed and randomly assigned to 3 groups of formocresol, sodium hypochlorite and CEM cement. After taking the initial radiography, standard pulpotomy was carried out by using formocresol, CEM cement and sodium hypochlorite 5%, and the teeth were restored by Stainless Steel Crown (SSC). The clinical and radiographic evaluations were performed at 6 and 12-month follow-ups. Data was analyzed by chi-square and Relative Risk statistical tests. Results: After 6 months, all (100%) of the pulpotomy medicaments were clinically successful. Also, there was no clinically significant difference between the results of primary molar pulpotomy in these 3 groups in the 1-year follow-up (p=0.129). There was not any significant difference between three groups in the first follow-up (p=0.364) and second follow-up (p=0.100). Conclusion: There was no significant difference among the success rates of the pulpotomy medicaments used in primary molars. Moreover, the clinical and radiographic success rates of NaOCl 5% and CEM cement were comparable to those of formocresol.


CEM Cement, Formocresol, Primary Dentition, Pulpotomy, Sodium Hypochlorite


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