Evaluating the Physical and Physiological Properties of 11-13 Years Old Students in the Primary School Teams by Comparing to the Students Who Takes the Physical Education Lessons

Evaluating the Physical and Physiological Properties of 11-13 Years Old Students in the Primary School Teams by Comparing to the Students Who Takes the Physical Education Lessons

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Author(s): Oguzhan YOLCU, Recep KÜRKÇÜ

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.727 319 823 34-37 Volume 4 - Jun 2015


20 students, avarage age is 11,55 ± 1,43 years, doing regular exercise in the Yunus Emre Pirmary School football team and 15 students, avarage age is 11,93 ± 0,59 years, who don’t do regular exercise but take compulsory physical educatıon lessons in the same school, totally 35 male students have taken part as volunteers in the study in order to identify the the physical and physiological effects of the exercises applied to 11-13 years old students in the primary school team. Group’s age, height, weight, the number of rest heart beat, (RHB) systolic blood pressure,(SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP) measures, vital capasity (VC), forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expirasyon volume (FEV1) and maximum voluntary ventilation (MVV), 20 meters run, right (RHG) and left hand grip strength (LHG) have been measured. The data has been searched on the PC using the SPSS 22.0 statistics program by the t-test method for the groups avarage variation independent, with p<0,05, p<0,01 percent level. It has been found out that there are no meaningful differences between the groups with the age, height, weight, (SBP), (RHG) and(LHG) strength amounts. It has been found out that there are meaningful differences between the amounts of (p>0,05). The number (RHB), (DBP), (MVV), 20 meters run values (p<0,05), VC, FVC, FEV1 (p<0,01) significant differences were determined. As a result ; it has been found that VC, FVC, FEV1 amounts are higher than the respiration amount while the rest heart beat, diastolik blood pressure and 20 meters run amount of students in school team are lower than the students who don’t do exercise.


Primary Scool Students, School Team, Circulation, Respiration


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