Peasants of Tropical Africa Face the Challenges of Agricultural Produce Markets (Case Study of the Self-Managed Market of Cotton in Chad)

Peasants of Tropical Africa Face the Challenges of Agricultural Produce Markets (Case Study of the Self-Managed Market of Cotton in Chad)

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Author(s): NDOUTORLENGAR Médard, TAMTIAL Ngariban, DAOUYA Philémon

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.764 273 917 21-27 Volume 4 - Jul 2015


Many African countries are famous suppliers of the agricultural produce consumed throughout the world. But they are far to control the markets of these products most often established and decided out of the continent (HARSAH E al, 1994). It results from this a dysfunction to the system of production felt as well by the companies than the producers. Such is the case of Chad through the production of cotton where the difficulties of company COTONTCHAD involve socio-economic changes in the producing rural areas of cotton. On the basis of investigations, interrogations and direct observations, this article makes an analyze of new self-managed market to understand the difficulties of the producers in the context of this market. The establishment of producers typologies permitted to apprehend, according to geographical space and of categories of the producers, the changes generated by the cotton crisis.


Chad, Cotton-Peasant-Market-self-managed


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