Antibiotic Resistance of Streptococcus mitis Isolated from Dental Caries Patients in Missan City

Antibiotic Resistance of Streptococcus mitis Isolated from Dental Caries Patients in Missan City

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Author(s): Mohammed A. Abd Ali, Sami. KH. Jabar, Sundus A. Abd Ali

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.803 991 1290 68-74 Volume 4 - Aug 2015


Twenty six isolates of Streptococcus mitis bacteria collected from clinical of dental disease in missan city , then analyzed between (October and December in 2014).The samples taken in order to determine the bacterial profile and antibiotic susceptibility . Isolates of Streptococcus mitis were tested against eight different antibiotics and crude of crude aqueous extracts from flowers of Matricaria chamomilla L., by a disk diffusion method. 100% of isolates were resistat to the Tetracycline ,84%resistant to Ampicillin , 96% resistant Nitrofurantion ,100% resistant to Optochin ,80% resistant to Bacitracin ,96% resistant to, 92% resistant to Vincomycin , 73% resistant to Benzypenicillin where found to be the least effective antibiotics against MDR Streptococcus mitis. Also the antimicrobial suscepitility of isolates where tested against crude of crude aqueous extracts from flowers of Matricaria chamomilla L. with different concentration (62,5, 125, 250 , 500 mg / ml) detected by agar well diffusion methods , the aqueous extracts from flowers of Matricaria chamomilla L. have more effective in 500 mg / ml . Finally cytotoxicity evaluating toward human RBC , the results revealed these crud extracts of Matricaria chamomilla L. have not any cytotoxicity in all concentration . The good antimicrobial potency of crud extracts of Matricaria chamomilla L. indicates the treatment of MDR Streptococcus mitis as an alternative to the costly antibiotic.


Antibiotic, MDR Streptococcus mitis, Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC), Matricaria Chamomilla L. Flowers


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