The Pathological study of Acne

The Pathological study of Acne

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Author(s): Cha Xu, Ruixiang Li, Yuanqi Zhu

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.872 402 801 5-6 Volume 4 - Nov 2015


Objectives: To investigate the acne bacterial infection status, new guildelines should be established on treating whelk in skin. Methods: Total 58 cases liquid samples were collected from different levels, specimens were inoculated into blood agar in 3 hours , cultured for 18-24 hours under the constant temperature of 37℃ . Distinguished positive strains or negative strains in a microscope with the method of Gram Staining. We used Oxidase test and the Catalase test to make sure the bacteria’s species. We ensured the specific strains of the bacteria acquired with Biochemical tests. Each typical strain of the sample was purified and cultured. Sensitivity of bacterial were identified by Disk Diffusion Method. Results: Pathogenic bacteria covering Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus aurous Rosebush, Serratia fonticola, Serratia marcescens and Klebsiella terrigena. Research data shows that the bacteria species mainly are staphylococcus epidermidis and staphylococcus aurous, while Serratia fonticola, Serratia marcescens and Klebsiella terrigena are rarely to be seen. The drug sensitive tests demonstrate that different bacterial performed variety sensitivity to specified antibiotics. The survey results show that skin and diet have certain effect on the onset of whelk, but people with oily skin are more likely to suffer from whelk. Conclusions: Whelk occurred to the young frequently and sometimes to the middle aged people. Staphylococcus epidermidis and Staphylococcus aurous played an important role on the cause of whelk. We should pay more attention on the prevention rather than treatment.


Ance, Pathological Study, Drug Sensitive Test


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