Overview of Forestry Sector in Peninsular Malaysia

Overview of Forestry Sector in Peninsular Malaysia

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Author(s): Izaidah Talib

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.882 1262 971 73-78 Volume 4 - Dec 2015


Forests have played an important role in the resource-based socio-economic development of Malaysia. Malaysia, located in South East Asia, comprises Peninsular Malaysia and the states of Sabah and Sarawak. In accordance with Malaysia’s Federal Constitution, the legislative control of land and forests is a state matter and the state governments have complete jurisdiction over their respective forest resources. This paper is concerned with the forestry sector in Peninsular Malaysia. It describes and discuss the current status of forest in Peninsular Malaysia in terms of its policy and legislation, forest administration, forest management system under sustainable forest management, forest resources and wood-based industries.


Forest, current status, forestry, sustainable forest management, Peninsular Malaysia


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