Author(s): S. B. Gad., Sergany M. I, Helal E. M. Mona, M. N. Shaimaa Tiurky
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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.883
~ 266
` 737
a 16-21
Volume 5 - Feb 2016
Greenhouse experiment was conducted to determined the effect of six concentrations of jujub leave water extract (5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 ml ̸ plant) on Meloidogyne incognita infecting common mandarin comparing with oxamyl under greenhouse conditions. The obtained results indicated that all tested materials improved all the plant growth criteria and diminished nematode parameters as well. On the other hand, using jujube water extract at 30 ml/ plant gave the maximum values of shoot and root lengths; shoot and root fresh weights shoot dry matter, leaves number/plant, and branches, whereas the concentration of 5 ml/ plant showed the minimum values in this respect. Oxamyl ranked first in percentage reduction values of the number of juveniles in soil (90.1%), galls (86.5%), eggmasses (93.9%) and eggs/egg mass number (63.33%) on roots, respectively.
Control, Meloidogyne incognita, mandarin, jujube, water extract
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