Association between COMT -287A/G (rs2075507) polymorphism and preeclampsia in a Chinese Han population

Association between COMT -287A/G (rs2075507) polymorphism and preeclampsia in a Chinese Han population

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Author(s): Ruike Wang, Sai Li, Xiuhai Wang, Dan Wu, Peng Yang, Qifeng Yin, Yujuan Wang, Shiguo Liu

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.987 301 978 137-142 Volume 5 - Mar 2016


Previous study indicated that COMT might play a significant role in the development of preeclampsia(PE). The purpose of our study is to investigate the association of COMT -287A/G polymorphism (rs2075507) with PE susceptibility in Chinese han population. 505 PE patients and 824 normal pregnant women were enrolled in our research. All the subjects were detected the genotype of COMT -287 loci by Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)–restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) method. Demographics and clinical data were performed using t test or Mann-Whitney test. The frequencies of the allelic and genotypic distribution between PE patients and healthy controls were analyzed by X2 test. No significant difference in the genotypic distribution was found between the patients and controls (x2 =0.13, p=0.94), while frequency of the allele showed a unstatistical significant difference (x2=0.07, p=0.79). The COMT -287A/G polymorphism might be associated with the PE in Chinese women. Further researches are yet needed to validate the relationship between the COMT -287A/G and the PE in different ethnic groups.


preeclampsia, COMT-287A/G, polymorphism


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