Author(s): Feng Enqiang, Ning Feng, Li Xiaojing, Song Xin, Cao Yi, Li Xiaohui, Zhang Huaqiang
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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.990
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Volume 5 - Apr 2016
Objectives This article aimed to figure out the epidemic situation and risk factors of AIDS and syphilis among old female sex workers (OFSWs) in Qingdao, and to provide foundation for aimed interventions. Methods In 2013, 406 cases of study participants were recruited in the qualitative research and community-based companion promotion survey, one-to-one questionnaire survey was conducted and blood samples were taken to detect HIV and syphilis. Results There were 0 case of HIV-positive in older female sex workers and 120 cases of syphilis-positive in older female sex workers (29.6%); ANOVA showed that Qingdao local household register, age and whether HIV testing was done were risk factors for syphilis infection. Conclusion The syphilis infection rates of OFSWs in Qingdao were high, and the risks of infection and spread of AIDS were also increasing daily.
Older female sex workers, HIV/Syphilis, Infection, Risk factors
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