The CPT-RICCI Scalar Curvature Symmetry in Quantum Electro-Gravity

The CPT-RICCI Scalar Curvature Symmetry in Quantum Electro-Gravity

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Author(s): Piero Chiarelli

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1012 250 843 36-58 Volume 5 - May 2016


In this work the quantum electro-gravitational equations are derived for half spin charged particles with the help of the hydrodynamic quantum formalism. The equations show the reversing of the trace of the Ricci curvature in passing from matter to antimatter and that the CPT transformation, associated to the reversing of the trace of the Ricci curvature, leads to a more general symmetry in quantum gravity.


quantum gravity, quantum Kaluza Klein model, CPT symmetry in quantum gravity


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