Interposition of the Appendix for Ureteral Reconstruction in a Patient Treated for Fibrosarcoma

Interposition of the Appendix for Ureteral Reconstruction in a Patient Treated for Fibrosarcoma

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Author(s): Etore Andrade da Silva, Nilton Ghiotti de Siqueira, Luis César Fava Spessoto, Pedro Francisco Arruda, José Germano F. Arruda, Marcio Gatti, Thiago da Silveira Antoniassi, Fernando Nestor Facio Junior

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1035 370 790 42-44 Volume 5 - Jun 2016


The use of the appendix to reconstruct or replace the ureter is a feasible option in different situations. We present the case of ureteral reconstruction by interposition of the appendix in a patient treated for fibrosarcoma with resection of the retroperitoneal mass adhered to the mesentery and the upper third of the right ureter without cleavage plane. After reconstruction, the patient evolved with a urinary fistula that was resolved on the 29th day after conservative treatment. A computed tomography urography 30 days after surgery showed patency of the anastomosis and closure of the fistula. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first description of a patient submitted to ureteral reconstruction by interposition of the appendix in the surgical treatment of fibrosarcoma.


Appendix, Ureteral reconstruction, Fibrosarcoma


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