Nutritional evaluation of Five Species of Grain Amaranth – An Underutilized Crop

Nutritional evaluation of Five Species of Grain Amaranth – An Underutilized Crop

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Author(s): Pamela E. Akin-Idowu, Oyeronke A. Odunola, Michael A. Gbadegesin, Olufemi T. Ademoyegun, Ayodeji O. Aduloju, Yemisi O. Olagunju

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1131 381 1240 18-27 Volume 6 - Jan 2017


Variation in the proximate and mineral compositions of twenty nine accessions of grain amaranth (Amaranthus), belonging to five species: Amaranthus caudatus, A. cruentus, A. hybrid, A. hypochondriacus and A. hybridus were evaluated. Results showed that significant (p < 0.05) differences were observed in the proximate and mineral compositions among all the species evaluated. Amaranthus caudatus had the highest levels of crude fibre (4.04 g/100g), sodium (8.95 mg/kg), phosphorus (5765.64 mg/kg), magnesium (2219.15 mg/kg) and aluminum (111.09 mg/kg) contents. Amaranthus cruentus had the highest levels of crude fat (8.68 g/100g), zinc (59.49 mg/kg), copper (6.62 mg/kg), manganese (136.44 mg/kg) and calcium (1642.45 mg/kg). Amaranthus hybridus had the highest levels of protein (17.89 g/100g) and starch (38.01 g/100g). Phosphorus was the most abundant mineral present, followed by potassium and magnesium; while selenium was the least abundant mineral element present. The grain amaranth species have higher protein, crude fibre, starch and essential minerals than commonly consumed cereals and hold promise as a healthy alternative to these cereals and their products.


Amaranth, minerals, proximate analysis, species variation


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