Phytotoxic Analysis of Extract of Leaves of Solanum megalochiton Mart. Solanaceae on Lactuca sativa L. and Allium cepa L.

Phytotoxic Analysis of Extract of Leaves of Solanum megalochiton Mart. Solanaceae on Lactuca sativa L. and Allium cepa L.

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Author(s): Mariana Saragioto Krause, Ana Flavia Schvabe Duarte, Francis José Zortéa Merino, Cristiane da Silva Paula, Marilis Dallarmi Miguel, Obdulio Gomes Miguel

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1142 459 981 36-42 Volume 5 - Nov 2016


The phytotoxic effect of crude ethanol extracts and fractions of leaves of Solanum megalochiton Mart., Solanaceae on the germination, initial growth and respiration of Lactuca sativa L. (lettuce) and Allium cepa L. (onion) is analyzed. They were placed on 9.0-cm-diameter petri plates with filter paper 6 (Whatmann®). Assay was performed in a totally randomized design. Crude extract and fractions have a phytotoxic activity, with greatest effect on remaining fraction. Results show stimulation and inhibition on germination, growth and respiration. S. megalochiton contains metabolites with phytotoxic activity capable of affecting germination, growth and respiration of the species under analysis, with a potential for discovering new natural herbicide compounds


germination, growth, respiration, bioassay, Atlantic Rainforest.


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