Effects of Amendments in Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Zinc and Gypsum on the Quality of the Rice Grain, in Salinity Conditions

Effects of Amendments in Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Zinc and Gypsum on the Quality of the Rice Grain, in Salinity Conditions

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Author(s): T. Guèye, Khadidiatou Ndoye Ndoye Ndir, Amadou Oury Diallo, Karim Traoré

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1172 354 805 28-40 Volume 5 - Dec 2016


This study is to investigate the effects of the amendments in macronutrients nitrogen-phosphate-potassium (NPK) and microelements zinc and gypsum on physicochemical qualities of rice grain. The design is a split plot with two factors: fertility with 12 levels of fertilizers and variety with 6 rice varieties, repeated in 3 blocks, in two different media, including a salty medium (MS) and a unsalted medium (MNS). Six (6) rice varieties were used, of which four (4) tolerant varieties, and two (2) controls varieties that are moderately sensitive and very sensitive respectively. Results show a total yield milled grain of tolerant varieties, highest in saltwater environments as in unsalted middle, while the opposite effect is observed with susceptible varieties. The highest yields milled total grains were observed in a saltwater medium, with the formula 120-26-50 with or without zinc or Gypsum. In unsalted medium, it is the formula 0-26-50 with or without zinc or gypsum, which gives the best yields total milled grains. Broken grains have best performance in a saltwater environment, whatever variety or combination of fertilizer used. Weight of 100 grains is more efficient in unsalted environment, whatever variety or combination of fertilizer used. Depending on the alkaline spreading value (ASV), varieties can be divided into two groups. Varieties of the first group with low AVS (3 to 4) have a gelatinization temperature (GT) intermediate. Those in the second group, with a middle and higher AVS (5.4 to 6), have low gelatinization temperature. The varieties of this last group with low GT, are more interesting for the market and consumers because they require only a low cooking time.


irrigated rice, grain yield, quality, Salinity, fertilization, alkaline spread value (ASV), gelatinization temperature (GT).


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